Forskningsbolag i mångmiljardaffär - Dagens Industri


PROSPECTUS Medical Prognosis Institute A/S - Finanstilsynet

External organisations. King's College London; University of Edinburgh; Galecto Biotech ApS, Denmark. tillsammans med andra grundat flera bioteknikbolag som WntResearch AB, Galecto Biotech AB, Gabather AB, Aptahem AB och Cyxone AB. Galecto Biotech som är ett av Almi Invest portföljbolag har fått ett bud på 3.3 miljarder kronor. Galecto Biotech is a biotech company with offices in Copenhagen, London, Montreal, Galecto Biotech develops galectin modulators for the treatment of severe  This event is part of a series of workshops covering various research themes central for SciLifeLab.

Galecto biotech

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The company builds on more than 10 years of research into galectins and galectin modulators, which combined with a strong patent estate gives Galecto a unique platform. Galecto Biotech AB – Org.nummer: 556872-8413. På hittar du kontakt-och företagsinformation, nyckeltal, lön till VD & styrelse m.m. 2020-10-07 · Galecto, a Phase 2 biotech developing therapeutics for fibrosis and fibrotic related diseases, filed on Wednesday with the SEC to raise up to $100 million in an initial public offering. Galecto's Galecto Biotech AB (556872-8413).

Personer – Aptahem

Galecto Biotech is a biotech company with offices in Copenhagen, London, Montreal, Galecto Biotech develops galectin modulators for the treatment of severe  This event is part of a series of workshops covering various research themes central for SciLifeLab. The Drug Discovery and Development platform invites you to  Danmark 28 oktober, 2018 Galecto Biotech tar in 79 miljoner euro i nytt kapital Danska bioteknikföretaget Galecto Biotech med lokaler på Copenhagen Bio  Bert Junno har tillsammans med andra grundat flera bioteknikbolag, exempelvis WntResearch, Galecto Biotech, Gabather, Aptahem och  and US based companies in fields of electronics, biotech and IT. for example WntResearch AB (publ), Galecto Biotech AB, Gabather AB  Finansieringen är nu på plats för nystartade bioteknikföretaget Galecto Biotech med kopplingar till Lunds universitet. Men bolaget utesluter inte  Bristol-myers squibb company and galecto biotech ab, together limhamn squibb the exclusive option to acquire galecto biotech ab and gain worldwide rights  Galecto Biotech AB, HIP Health Innovation Platform AB samt Perma Ventures AB. Styrelseledamot i Immunicum.

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The company, founded in 2011, builds on more than 10 years of research centering on the role of galectin-3 and LOXL-2, and the use of modulators of these proteins to treat fibrosis-related diseases and cancer. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company och Galecto Biotech AB har offentliggjort att bolagen, tillsammans med Galecto Biotechs aktieägare, ingått avtal som ger Bristol-Myers Squibb en exklusiv option att förvärva Galecto Biotech och därigenom få globala rättigheter till Galecto Biotechs främsta tillgång TD139, en substans för behandling av lungfibrotiska tillstånd. Galecto. Galecto is a Swedish company founded in 2011 by leading galectin scientists and biotech executives from Sweden, United Kingdom, and Denmark. The company builds on more than 10 years of research into galectins and galectin modulators, which combined with a strong patent estate gives Galecto a unique platform. Galecto Biotech AB – Org.nummer: 556872-8413. På hittar du kontakt-och företagsinformation, nyckeltal, lön till VD & styrelse m.m.

Galecto biotech

Galecto is a clinical stage biotechnology company committed to the development of novel small molecule therapeutics directed at biological targets which are at the heart of fibrosis, inflammation, and cancer. Galecto Biotech is a Swedish private biotechnology company that has developed a galectin-3 inhibitor that would prevent fibrosis. The company, founded in 2011, is based in Lund.
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Galecto biotech

Fibrosis / Lung diseases. HBM contact: Dr Ivo Staijen, Dr Chandra P. Leo. Company status: public. Galecto develops novel drugs targeting a group of proteins called galectins (or galactoside-binding lectins).

Galecto's Many of these programs pursue proteins in traditional inflammatory pathways—cytokines like transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) or interleukin 13—but one little Swedish startup, Galecto Biotech, Galecto Biotech ApS is located in København N, Hovedstaden, Denmark and is part of the Biotechnology Research Services Industry.
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Galecto Biotech Investment area Om Galecto Biotech AB. Galecto Biotech AB är verksam inom annan naturvetenskaplig och teknisk forskning och utveckling och hade totalt 1 anställd 2019. Antalet anställda är oförändrat sedan året innan. Bolaget är ett aktiebolag som varit aktivt sedan 2011.

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Galecto Biotech AB, UTLANDET Företaget

Galecto Biotech ApS is located in København N, Hovedstaden, Denmark and is part of the Biotechnology Research Services Industry. Galecto Biotech ApS has  Galecto Biotech AB develops galectin modulators for the treatment of severe diseases, including fibrosis and cancer. The company builds on more than 10 years  Galecto is a clinical stage biotechnology company committed to the development of novel small molecule therapeutics directed at biological targets which are at  20 Mar 2017 Galecto Biotech has presented positive data from a Phase II study with its pulmonary fibrosis candidate, giving BMS now the option of take over  28 Oct 2020 Galecto is a clinical stage biotechnology company with advanced programs in fibrosis and cancer centered on galectin-3 and LOXL2. The  Galecto develops galectin modulators for the treatment of severe diseases, including fibrosis and cancer. The company builds on more than 10 years of research  GALECTO BIOTECH AB OLE MAALOES VEJ3. COPENHAGEN G7 DK-2200. Business Phone, 45-70-70-52-10.

Participant List_2014 - MVIC Symposium - MVIC AB

Galecto Biotech AB – Org.nummer: 556872-8413. På hittar du kontakt-och företagsinformation, nyckeltal, lön till VD & styrelse m.m. 2020-10-07 · Galecto, a Phase 2 biotech developing therapeutics for fibrosis and fibrotic related diseases, filed on Wednesday with the SEC to raise up to $100 million in an initial public offering. Galecto's Galecto Biotech AB (556872-8413). Se omsättning, bokslut, styrelse, m.m, Ladda ner gratis årsredovisningar.

Fredrik Zetterberg is since 6 years Director of medicinal Chemistry at Galecto Biotech, a small biotech company focused on the development of galectin  Galecto Biotech AB – Org.nummer: 556872-8413. På hittar du kontakt-och företagsinformation, nyckeltal, lön till VD & styrelse m.m..