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* Typ av certifiering. Nordic Ecolabel. BREEAM. The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is important to Søve, which makes playground equipment. So they wanted Hydro CIRCAL, a low-carbon aluminium with high Ecolabel EUs miljömärke (EU-blomman).
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Certification bodies for organic The Ecolabel Index can be a helpful tool for evaluating the myriad ecolabels on the market.
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When you’re rushing round the aisles of the supermarket or picking up something from the shop, with so many green labels and claims lining the shelves, it can be hard to tell which ones to trust. The EU Ecolabel logo makes it simple to know that a product or a service is both environmentally friendly and good quality. Certificate Description.
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Ecolabel Index is the largest global directory of ecolabels, currently tracking 455 ecolabels in 199 countries, and 25 industry sectors. Feb 21, 2020 ISO 14024 Type I environmental label (e.g., the EU Ecolabel), which The Ecolabel Index [34] shows the importance of Ecolabels worldwide. Fish 101: Eco-Labels. Judging Eco-labels were designed to simplify the process by doing the vetting for us. Global Aquaculture Performance Index, 2011. Empirically, the paper makes use of the Ecolabel Index database, which contains data on more than 400 eco-labels operating worldwide.
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www.ecolabelindex.com The largest directory of ecolabels online; we provide you with in-depth, objective The ABNT Ecolabel is a Brazilian seal issued by the Associacao Brasileira de Normas Tecnicas (ABNT) which is the national organization for standardization. The seal applies to a wide range of Brazilian consumer and industrial products. ABNT is a member of Global Ecolabelling Network (GEN). Ecolabel Index, Vancouver, BC. 272 likes. www.ecolabelindex.com The largest directory of ecolabels online; we provide you with in-depth, objective Ecolabel Index, Vancouver, BC. 270 likes.
The Ecolabel Index provides some guidance, but also lists 109 different ecolabels for the The .eco grants program and what's next for Ecolabel Index. Help us support good environmental choices: http://www.ecolabelindex.com/… Visa foton, profilbilder och album från Ecolabel Index. Sep 14, 2017 - All ecolabels in Ecolabel Index, the independent global directory of ecolabels and environmental certification schemes.