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Particle Listings; 2020 Review of Particle Physics. P.A. Zyla et al. (Particle Data Group), Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2020, 083C01 (2020) of the 2018 edition.

Particle data group

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Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. LambdaDecay Massey A Particle Physics Booklet with the Summary Tables and essential tables, figures, and equations from selected review articles is also available. The 2018 edition of the Review of Particle Physics should be cited as: M. Tanabashi et al. (Particle Data Group), Phys.

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P.A. Zyla et al. (Particle Data Group), Prog.

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Particle Data Group From Wallet Cards to Smartphone Apps 58 years of evaluating data . M. Barnett – February 24, 2016 2 Introduction .

Particle data group

Volume 2 consists of the Particle Listings and contains also 22 reviews that address specific aspects of the data presented in the Listings. The complete Review (both volumes) is published online on the website of the Particle Data Group ( and in a journal. Volume 1 is available in print as the PDG Book. Review of Particle Physics Particle Data Group Beringer, J.; Arguin, J. -F.; Barnett, R. M.; Copic, K.; Dahl, O.; Groom, D. E.; Lin, C. -J.; Lys, J.; Murayama, H. and Wohl, C. G., et al. In Physical Review D (Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology) 86 (1). Mark; Abstract This biennial Review summarizes much of particle physics. Meson Summary Tables in the 2008 Review of Particle Physics (Cut-off date for this update was January 15, 2008.) Please use this CITATION: C. Amsler et al.
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Particle data group

P.A. Zyla et al. (Particle Data Group), Prog. Theor.

(Particle Data Group), Physics Letters B667, 1 … The Particle Adventure. An award winning tour of quarks, neutrinos, the Higgs boson, extra dimensions, dark matter, accelerators and particle detectors from the Particle Data Group of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The Particle Data Group is an international collaboration charged with summarizing Particle Physics, as well as related areas of Cosmology and Astrophysics. In 2014, the PDG consists of 206 authors from 140 institutions in 24 countries.
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Please use this CITATION: M. Tanabashi et al. (Particle Data Group), Phys. Rev. D 98, 030001 (2018).

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Particle Listings; 2020 Review of Particle Physics. P.A. Zyla et al. (Particle Data Group), Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2020, 083C01 (2020) of the 2018 edition.

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”Review of Particle Physics: Quarks ” (på engelska).

Please use this CITATION: M. Tanabashi et al.