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Using Apple Pay is secure because your card information isn’t stored on your device or shared when you pay. Dodajte Visa/Mastercard karticu u aplikaciju manuelno ili tako što ćete je uslikati. Banka će proveriti tačnost Vaših podataka i odlučiti da li možete da koristite karticu. 4. Koristite Apple Pay za plaćanja. Kada banka proveri unete podatke, pritisnite "dalje". Nakon toga možete početi da koristite Apple Pay. Welcome to the NK Hurst online store!

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För att kunna använda Apple Pay behöver du ha ett av följande kort: bankkort Mastercard, bankkort Mastercard ung, bankkort Maestro, betal- och kreditkort Mastercard, betal- och kreditkort Mastercard guld eller betal- och kreditkort Mastercard platinum från Swedbank eller sparbankerna.Tänk på att ditt kort behöver vara öppet för kontaktlösa köp. Låt dina kunder veta att du tar emot betalningar med Apple Pay. Du kan enkelt upplysa kunderna om att de kan betala med Apple Pay. Hämta en Apple Pay-symbol som du kan använda i mejl, på betalterminalens skärm och på din webbplats.

Help us preserve these artworks on your chest. Now you can enjoy all the benefits of your Mastercard with Apple Pay on iPhone, Apple Watch and iPad. Using Apple Pay is simple and it works with the devices you use every day. Your card information is secure because it isn’t stored on your device or shared when you pay.
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Go to Apple Pay for developers to learn how to let your customers know they can use Apple Pay within your app or website. How to accept Apple Pay in your store Depending on your country or region, Apple Pay works with most card issuers and payment providers, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, China UnionPay, and more. 3 One million MasterCard activations within 72 hours of Apple Pay’s availability.

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Enjoy all the benefits of Q Mastercard with Apple Pay on iPhone, Apple Watch, iPad and Mac*. Using Apple Pay is secure because your card information isn’t stored on your device or shared when you pay. Paying in stores, apps and online has never been easier, safer or more private. See how easy it is to add your eligible Westpac Mastercard to Apple Pay. Find out more about Westpac with Apple Pay today on: www.westpac.co.nz/apple-pay Mastercard (本社:ニューヨーク州パーチェス、日本地区社長:ナンダン・マー、以下Mastercard)は、は、10月から国内でサービス開始するApple Payに対応いたします。Apple Payはお客さまが常に持ち歩いているiPhone 7、iPhone 7 Plus、Apple Watch Series 2でいつでもより簡単 I AM BL NK is the first ever #bodypositiveskincare line of it's kind. Each bottle comes with a blank space for you to write down your positive message, an affirmation to add to your beauty ritual. I invite you to take the time to practice your beauty rituals mindfully and with kindness to yourself. The best way to use Apple Card is with Apple Pay — the secure payment technology built into iPhone, Apple Watch, iPad, and Mac and accepted at 85 percent of merchants in the United States.

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