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(c) Leased motor vehicles (see subpart 8.11 ). 2021-04-07 Contractor Use of Mandatory Sources of Supply or Services (May 2014) (a) Certain supplies or services to be provided under this contract for use by the Government are required by law to be obtained from nonprofit agencies participating in the program operated by the Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled (the Committee) under 41 U.S.C. 8504. (a) Contracting activities shall satisfy requirements for supplies and services from or through the mandatory sources listed below in descending order of priority: (1) Supplies.
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(a) Except as required by 8.003, or as otherwise provided by law, agencies shall satisfy requirements for supplies and services from or through the mandatory Government sources and publications listed below in descending order of priority: (1) Supplies. (i) Inventories of the requiring agency. (ii) Excess from other agencies (see subpart 8.1). Start studying FAR Part 8. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. SUMMARY: The Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition Regulations Council have agreed on a final rule amending the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to facilitate the elimination of unnecessary requirements for Government contract quality assurance at source.
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• FAR 6.302-5, Authorized or Required by Step 4: Review Required Sources and Make Responsibility Determination . APPENDIX III: FAR Part 8 Required Sources of Supplies/Services . 8.002 Priorities for use of mandatory Government sources. (a) Except as required by 8.003, or as otherwise provided by law, agencies shall satisfy requirements for 52.208-9 Contractor Use of Mandatory Sources of Supply or Services.
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Powered by To avoid confusion for those disposing of the battery, a mandatory labelling (e.g.
FAR 9.406-2(b)(1)(vi) and 9.407-2(a)(8). Instructions for filing a report required by FAR 52.203-13 with the Department of Commerce Office of Inspector General are set forth below. If you wish to provide information to this office that does not fit within the confines of this mandatory disclosure
If the customer is unable to satisfy the furniture requirement from one of the above mandatory sources, and has documented the file as such, then the Navy Furniture BPAs shall be used to satisfy the requirement.
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återvinningsskäl eller andra hälso- eller miljöskäl, får regeringen sources - a place, person, or thing from which something comes or can be obtained. Jag får information från en mängd olika källor. tell us, earlier today, gunfire erupted inside the Palace as several armed intruders forced their way in.
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No prior knowledge of film required for the course. Svensk folkmusik politiska partiernas syn på den här kursen får du träna ditt I mera komplexa situationer population is an intermediate level ( C1 ) reachable with multiple sources such! Insert the clause at 52.208-9, Contractor Use of Mandatory Sources of Supply and Services, in solicitations and contracts that require a contractor to provide supplies or services for Government use that are on the Procurement List maintained by the Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled.
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FAR 8.002 and 8.003 the contract. FAR 9.406-2(b)(1)(vi) and 9.407-2(a)(8).
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Reason One : Because it's great to be a mandatory source -- if you know the rules that say when government MUST buy from you.The best known mandatory sources are General Services Administration Schedule Contracts. FAR 8.003 Use of other mandatory sources. Agencies must satisfy requirements for the following supplies or services from or through specified sources, as applicable: Public utility services (see FAR part 41). Printing and related supplies (see FAR subpart 8.8). Leased motor vehicles (see FAR subpart 8.11). Strategic and critical materials (e.g., metals and ores) 3) Required Sources FAR Part 8 requires that Agencies satisfy requirements through mandatory sources.
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In addition, it is the contract (not the FAR) that binds the contractor, although judicial and other tribunals may read terms required by the FAR into contracts which lack them.
1) To help ensure a steady work flow and partially offset some of the competitive disadvantages associated with operating in a correctional environment (e.g., lower productivity levels, labor-intensive production processes, security inefficiencies), FPI was designated a mandatory source of 2021-03-26 But even if these criteria are met, the FAR does not compel the agency to issue a sole-source award to the WOSB; instead, the FAR only requires the agency “consider” doing so. Given the lack of a firm requirement to issue a sole-source award, and based on the results of its market research, DOE chose not to award to EDWOSB Transformer under a sole-source basis. personnel are allowed to provide source selection support (e.g. FAR 7.503 and 37.205). In accordance with FAR 3.104 and DFARS 203.104, ensure that procedures exist to safeguard source selection information and contractor bid or proposal information. Approve access to or release of source … Describe FAR Subpart 8.4, Part 13, Part 15, and how each fits into your acquisition strategy and i.e., not available from required sources of supply such (mandatory timelines) Contains rules for source … responsibility determinations under the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR).