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Recommendation for a COUNCIL DECISION designating the
A wide assortment of architectural patterns, bridges, cones and spikes of castles and places of worship, landmarks, parks, structures of various periods and styles shape a concordant group. The capital is the social focus of the Duchy. Actions taken in the cultural area by the EU include the Culture 2000 seven-year programme, the European Cultural Month event, and orchestras such as the European Union Youth Orchestra. The European Capital of Culture programme selects one or more cities in every year to assist the cultural development of that city. The European Capital of Culture is separate from the UK City of Culture title, which is currently held by Hull.
European Commission - Press Release details page - Brussels, 12 May 2009 The Council of the EU is today designating Guimarães (Portugal) and Maribor (Slovenia) to be the European Capitals of Culture in 2012, followed by Marseille-Provence (France) and Košice (Slovakia) in 2013. September 12, 2019 - A vibrant cultural program will help crown Rijeka as the European Capital of Culture in 2020. HRTurizam announced that the program would be presented to the media and the public in succession, during September and October, according to seven themes which bring in several individual programs and projects. Zagreb 2020 - European Capital of Culture, candidate city May 29, 2015 · Nažalost, Zagreb nije prošao dalje, ali smo sretni što smo sudjelovali i što smo imali priliku tijekom projekta uvidjeti probleme i prednosti s kojima se susrecemo u gradu te se nadamo se i vjerujemo da će biti prilike primijeniti naučeno. Two thousand events of the European Capital of Culture Wrocław 2016 attracted 5 200 000 participants.
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continuation of the European Capitals of Culture initiative. The existing nominate a European Capital of Culture every third year.
Stay in Kaunas - Your Trip to the European Capital of Culture
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The European Capitals of Culture (ECOC) initiative is among the most widely known actions of the European Union. The cities receive financial support from the Creative Europe programme. In 2026, a Finnish city will become a European Capital of Culture. See for details. 2004-09-01 · As part of its event-led regeneration strategy, Rotterdam staged the 'Cultural Capital of Europe' event in 2001. The aims were to attract visitors and to stimulate cultural consumption among residents, while positioning Rotterdam as a cultural destination.
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The European Capital of Culture is a city designated by the European Union for a period of one calendar year during which it organises a series of cultural events with a strong European dimension. The list includes cities which will be capitals until 2022. 2010-11-27 European Capitals of Culture - some of our favourites to visit by train. European Capital of Culture is organised by the European Commission with cities from around the EU vying for their moment in the cultural spotlight.
A European Capital of Culture is awarded to a city in the EU and holds the title for one year. During the year, the city holds a series of cultural events which also promote pan-European themes. European Capitals of Culture (ECoCs) is one of the most successful programmes in the EU, promoting cultural diversity in Europe and contributing to the long-term development of cities and regions.
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The northern Swedish town of Umeå is applying to be the European Capital of Culture in 2014. Their catchphrase is 'curiosity and passion'.
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Sebastián (Spain), the European Capital of Culture for 2016. What Is The European Capital Of Culture Every year, the European Union selects one city from its member countries to be the European Capital of Culture. Under this nomination, the city hosts various cultural events throughout the year. The European Capital of Culture is a city chosen by the European Union for a period of one calendar year. The city is given a chance to show its cultural life and cultural development.
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The European Capitals of Culture programme has grown immeasurably since its launch in 1985. “We started modestly 30 years ago and now we are typically having cities spend up to EUR 70-100m for a yearly programme being a European Capital of Culture,” says Karel Bartak, Head of the Creative Europe Coordination Unit at DG Education and Culture, European Commission. A European Capital of Culture is awarded to a city in the EU and holds the title for one year. During the year, the city holds a series of cultural events which also promote pan-European themes. European Capitals of Culture (ECoCs) is one of the most successful programmes in the EU, promoting cultural diversity in Europe and contributing to the long-term development of cities and regions.
continuation of the European Capitals of Culture initiative. The existing nominate a European Capital of Culture every third year. The plan will Great Expectations (On the Power of Culture): A Case Study of Turku as the European Capital of Culture 2011. I L. Lindeborg, & L. Lindkvist (Red.), The Value of Migrating cultural capital: Bourdieu in Migration studies, Sociology 44(4): 642-660. social ageing and social mobility among post-crisis European migrants. Europeiska kulturhuvudstaden.