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This is the University of Gothenburg's official page on Facebook. You are more than welcome to ask us questions! Official Every year, millions of students in the United States graduate high school and set off on their next big adventure. For many of them, that adventure is attending college at one of the country’s many universities. If you're preparing to go t Do you waste time checking 6 different email accounts with 6 different applications?

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For recommendation on how your email signature may look, please see the visual identity manual: The University of Gothenburg's email/webmail is handled in Microsoft's cloud service Exchange Online. Note that the first time you log in to Exchange Online, enter your email address in the first step (not your x-account). Log in to the webmail The University of Gothenburg provides comprehensive and successful research. Excellent research Researchers at the University of Gothenburg within many disciplines contribute to the solution of societal problems. Servicecenter offers service and support to students, visitors and staff at the University of Gothenburg. Contact information and opening hours to Servicecenter.
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University of  Email: Our Swedisch Customer Service opening hours: Mon to Sun 7 a.m.- 6 p.m.. At other times of the day you may be connected to  Anna-Maria left the lab for a postdoc at Rockefeller University, New York, USA. Eva Hellqvist, Postdoc: Diana Dudziak; Gothenburg University, Sweden: Dr Åsa Tivesten; Karolinska Institutet, Sweden: Prof. Email:​. You can apply for a place for any student who has a Swedish national identity please email and ask to have your email address added to  We are Gothenburg's own energy company and are owned by the City of Gothenburg.

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Cancel Authors affiliated to the University of Gothenburg can publish Open Access in all SPIE Journals without any cost. To make use of the agreement. As a corresponding author, you shall state your affiliation to the University of Gothenburg and use your email address from the University of Gothenburg when you submit an article for publication. Student Sustainability Hub Gothenburg is part of Gothenburg University, in Sweden.