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Hälsans mysterium av Aaron Antonovsky - LitteraturMagazinet
Antonovsky developed a way to measure healthese/disease by an orientation to life questionnaire. It’s a scale questionnaire and the result is the SOC value for the individual. Antonovsky´s orientation to life questionnaire has been used in this study (N=150, 30 Christians, Professor Aaron Antonovsky: (1923-1994): the father of the salutogenesis Aaron Antonovsky was born December 19, 1923, in Brooklyn, United States. After serving in the U.S. Army, earned his Ph.D. in sociology from Yale University.
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The assumption is that the primary prevention approach is an appropriate instrument for such services supplementing (not supplanting) the pathogenic medical model of diagnosis and treatment. The salutogenic approach of Antonovsky asks why SOC seems to be a health promoting resource, which strengthens resilience and develops a positive subjective state of health. Salutogenesis is a valuable approach for health promotion and would be worth to implement in practice much more than to date. Background Antonovsky’s sense of coherence (SOC) as well as psychoeducational interventions has a convincing impact on the quality of life (QOL) of patients suffering from schizophrenia. This study explores the influence of SOC on QOL among participants of a PEFI group (PG) compared to a control group (CG). Methods In a quasi-experimental field study 46 schizophrenic outpatients had an In this article we will describe the evaluation of Antonovsky's 29-items Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-29) in a large community sample (n = 2.005) of the German population and the development of the Leipzig Short Scale (SOC-L9), which consists of only 9 items.
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Hans svar är att motståndskraften beror på vår känsla av sammanhang, KASAM (på engelska SOC, Sense of Coherence), Detta är den fråga Antonovsky ställer. Hans svar är att motståndskraften beror på vår känsla av sammanhang, KASAM (på engelska SOC, Sense of Coherence), I figur 3 nedan ses salutogenes i relation till KASAM (SOC).
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After serving in the U.S. Army, earned his Ph.D. in sociology from Yale University. Aaron immigrated to Israel in 1960, settled in Jerusalem and worked at the Israel Institute of Applied Social Sciences and the… We have previously concluded that the use of the Antonovsky sense of coherence (SOC) scale was unable to document a predicted strong association between SOC and physical health. By way of statistical methods, numerous studies have investigated the validity, reliability and applicability of the SOC scale with positive results. However, this paper analyses whether the questions in the SOC scale Antonovsky postulates that the strength of SOC, resulting from the actual dynamic interrelationships of its mentioned three components has "direct physiological consequencies and, through such pathways affects health status" (1987, p.154).
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Referens. Antonovsky, A. ( 1991 ). Hälsans mysterium.
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After completing his PhD at Yale University, he emigrated to Israel in 1960.For a time he held positions in Jerusalem at the … 2002-07-05 association between SOC and physical health, as Antonovsky had claimed, because only a few modest correlations were found with physical health (correlations ranging from 0.17 - 0.51)[2-9]. About half of the studies showed insignificant correlations, and in addition to this we must suspect a certain amount of The Sense of Coherence Scale developed by Aaron Antonovsky (1923–1994) was intended to measure the sense of coherence (SOC), which according to his idea, is of crucial and causal importance to health[1]. In an earlier paper, we concluded that the SOC scale constructed by Antonovsky is highly Antonovsky also proposed that SOC could appear as a collective attribute (Antonovsky, 1987; Eriksson, 2017). Community SOC involves the same three components identified in individual SOC (cognitive, behavioral, motivational), but regarding groups of people ( Peled et al.
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Antonovsky, Aaron Hälsans mysterium Köp din bok billigt
Antonovsky (1987) utviklet teorien om salutogenese som en motvekt til i form av begripelighet, håndterbarhet og mening, til sammen utgjør SOC og bidrar til As a sociologist Antonovsky knew very well about the impact of social conditions in a society on the people's health. The SOC concept can be understood as a scale (SOC-13 from Antonovsky) into Portuguese language using a sample of mothers of preschool children. The originally validated scale demonstrated a low coherence' (SOC) as a dependent variable in an explanatory model. After studying dity and reliability of the SOC instrument (Antonovsky,. 1987; Hansson EFFECT OF A STRONG SOC Life is more than survival: Exploring links between Antonovsky's salutogenic theory and the concept of resilience. In K. M. Gow Antonovsky's Short 13-Items SOC Scale in a Swedish Community Cohort- Considering the Selection of the 13 Items from the Original 29 SOC Scale 8 May 2013 Methods.
Hälsans mysterium av Aaron Antonovsky 445401418 ᐈ Köp
Antonovsky intended that the sense of coherence scales be scored with a single total score and not component scores (Fig. 12.1 ), since he theorized that it was the sense of coherence in its totality that influenced movement along the ease/dis Se hela listan på Antonovsky maintained that the SOC develops until the age of 30 years, thereafter remaining relatively stable until retirement, and decreasing in old age. This assumption finds no support in Antonovsky’s life orientation questionnaire/sense of coherence scale (SOC). Design: The study is descriptive and analytical with a systematic integration of the contemporary knowledge base on the salutogenic research published 1992–2003. Se hela listan på diskussionsklimat. SOC-skalans validitet och reliabilitet förblir föremål för diskussion, då olika versioner av SOC-skalan ger olika resultat och olika möjligheter till analys.
Main positive psychological well-being construct measured: Meaning in life Aaron Antonovsky (født 19. december 1923, død 7. juli 1994) var en israelsk-amerikansk professor i medicinsk sociologi og er kendt for den salutogenetiske idé og teorien om en Oplevelse Af Sammenhæng (OAS) (engelsk: Sense of Coherence, SOC). Study objective: The aim of this paper is to systematically review and analyse the validity and reliability of Antonovsky’s life orientation questionnaire/sense of coherence scale (SOC).Design: The Professor Aaron Antonovsky: (1923-1994): the father of the salutogenesis Aaron Antonovsky was born December 19, 1923, in Brooklyn, United States. After serving in the U.S. Army, earned his Ph.D.