2021-04-12 Real-time exchange rate quote of USD/SEK including detailed information, live chart and news, profile and other market data. The USD/SEK can move fast when traded because of its magnified incremental values. If the 9.10000 level is broken higher, than the critical target for the USD/SEK would be the 9.17000 vicinity. However, traders with the ability to practice more patience and manage their leverage effectively may actually believe a selling opportunity exists within the USD/SEK. USD to SEK Exchange Rate - Bloomberg Markets. DJIA. 33,800.60.
Write your thoughts about USD/SEK THE FOREX TRADING GUIDE BY 7 eBooks for free A great tool for anyone who wants to learn to trade the financial markets. USD to SEK forecast for tomorrow, this week and month. Dollar to Krona forecast on Monday, April, 12: exchange rate 8.5344 Kronas, maximum 8.6624, minimum 8.4064. Currency Menu Welcome to the USD SEK history summary.
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In this quote, the value of one USD (the 'base currency') is quoted in terms of SEK (the Omvandla 1 USA-dollar till Svensk krona. Få mid-market-kurser i realtid, historiska kurser, data- och valutadiagram för USD till SEK med XE Valutaomvandlare utan kostnad. Valutadiagram för USD till SEK XE:s kostnadsfria, realtidsuppdaterade växelkursdiagram för USA-dollar till Svensk krona ger dig möjlighet att visa växelkurshistorik för upp till tio år. Amerikansk dollar - aktuell kurs i sek per idag.
52 Week Range. 8.1231. -. 10.1349. Get free real-time information on USD/SEK quotes including USD/SEK live chart. 2 days ago USDSEK. SEK=X.
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-0.0287(-0.3373%). Today's Range. 8.4832. -. 8.5148. 52 Week Range.
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Latest Trade. 8.4812. Change. -0.0287(-0.3373%). Today's Range.