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Over one million royalty free photos, illustrations and vector graphics - and thousands of free video clips. All images and footage on Pixabay are released under Creative Commons CC0: Free for commercial use, no attribution required. Pixabay is the most valuable free alternative to commercial stock photo sites. The Pixabay mobile app includes the following features: * Fast search and a user Pixabay | The whole world through the lens.

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View their personal photography portfolio on Pexels → Oppdag de beste gratisbildene fra Pixabay. Se den personlige fotografiporteføljen på Pexels→ Pixabay is a free service using which you can search a huge database of imagery released under Creative Commons CC0, which makes them safe to use without asking for permission or giving credit to the artist - even for commercial purposes! Using the Pixabay Images add-in, you can: Search the Pixabay database without ever leaving Word or PowerPoint Over one million royalty free photos, illustrations and vector graphics - and thousands of free video clips. All images and footage on Pixabay are released under Creative Commons CC0: Free for commercial use, no attribution required. Pixabay is the most valuable free alternative to commercial stock photo sites. The Pixabay mobile app includes the following features: * Fast search and a user Pixabay, Neu-Ulm, Germany. 652,490 likes · 2,161 talking about this.