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27 Jan 2010 Abstract. ADP-Glo™ is a novel bioluminescent, homogeneous assay for The search for such drugs starts with identifying selective and potent  27 Jan 2010 Abstract. Identification of kinase, especially protein kinase, modulators We demonstrate that ADP-Glo™ assay can be used for 2 kinase targets that We find that in the 1 mM ATP standard curve experiment, 5% turnover demonstrate that erythrocytes from these ascorbate auxotrophs switch the preference of their glucose transporter Glut1 from glucose to dehydroascorbate ( DHA),  The assay is formatted to meet the requirements of high-throughput screening in drug discovery programs searching for modulators  23 Oct 2020 ABSTRACT. Renal pathology is the gold standard in renal clinical diagnosis. The glomerulus is the most important region of interest in the renal  Icon search menu toggle Search. Search. 10 results per page, 20 results per page, 50 results per page, 100 results per page.