dynamiting - Swedish translation – Linguee


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RWS-MEISTERKUGELN BIABOLO. Filed: July 22, 1969 PROJECTILES-NAMELY, BULLETS FOR AIR GUNS Owned by: DYNAMIT NOBEL AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Serial Number: 72333108. RHENOFLEX. Filed: December 23, 1969 Owned by: Dynamit Nobel Aktiengesellschaft Serial Number: 72264043. DYNACOR. Filed: June 23, 1967 ELECTRICALLY MELTED METALLIC OXIDES OR MIXTURES OR CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS FROM SEVERAL OF THESE OXIDES AS CHEMICAL PRODUCTS Dynamit Nobel Aktiengesellschaft. USPTO Trademarks › Dynamit Nobel Aktiengesellschaft › Dynacoat Application #73677120.

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"nobel"中文翻译 n. 1.诺贝尔〔姓氏〕。 2.Alfred Bernh "dynamit nobel aktiengesellschaft"中文翻译 诺贝尔炸药股份公司; "nobel"中文  Finden Sie Top-Angebote für Blechdose Dynamit Nobel Aktiengesellschaft 9 mm alt Florbert Patronen Rundkugel bei eBay. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele  In autumn 1866, the Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel experimented with explosives near Geesthacht. Having installed his test laboratory on a barge on the Elbe  Application filed by Dynamit Nobel AG Bavaria, Germany, assignors to Dynarnit Nobel Aktiengesellschaft, Troisdorf, Bezirk, Cologne, Germany Continuation of  Dynamit Nobel Aktiengesellschaft, 1995. Zustand: gebraucht; gut. 100,00 € 4,80 €. mehr Info >>.

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Patent number: 4107169 Abstract: A dynamit nobel aktiengesellschaft; Your search results are provided below. To filter these results, use our advanced search tool.

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Filed: January 25, 1974 PORTABLE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS-NAMELY, HOUSES, HALLS, ELEMENTS OF HOUSES AND CELLS Since 1959, after becoming a part of the Flick group, the company has been called Dynamit Nobel AG. Dynamit Nobel operates in selected markets of chemistry and technology. Explosive chemistry continues to be one of the firm ’ s main fields of activity. In the field of special chemistry, Dynamit Nobel has applied its experience in treating Dieser Eintrag wurde veröffentlicht in Allgemein und getaggt mit Alfred Nobel, Algoa Bay, Barmen, DADG, Dampfschiff, Deutsch-Australische Dampfschiffs-Gesellschaft, Dynamit, Dynamit-Aktiengesellschaft, Elberfeld, Fürth, Sonneberg am 21.

Dynamit nobel aktiengesellschaft

Dynamit Nobel Aktiengesellschaft Trademarks. TROCON. Filed: January 25, 1974 PORTABLE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS-NAMELY, HOUSES, HALLS, ELEMENTS OF HOUSES AND CELLS Since 1959, after becoming a part of the Flick group, the company has been called Dynamit Nobel AG. Dynamit Nobel operates in selected markets of chemistry and technology.
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Dynamit nobel aktiengesellschaft

Nov. 2017 1876 wurde Nobels Firma in eine Aktiengesellschaft umgewandelt und hieß fortan Dynamit AG: Schon war das Kürzel DAG in der Welt. einen bedeutenden Anteil an der „Dynamit Aktiengesellschaft vorm. Alfred Nobel & Co.“ erwarb.

rws-meisterkugeln biabolo. filed: july 22, 1969 projectiles-namely, bullets for air guns Dynamit Nobel Aktiengesellschaft Trademarks. ROTTWEIL. Filed: July 31, 1963 SMOKELESS GUNPOWDER Owned by: Dynamit Nobel Aktiengesellschaft Serial Number: 72174092 Snilleblixten kom i tyska Krümmel 1866 – samma år som fabriken totalförstördes i en explosion.
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dynamit - English translation – Linguee

Dynamit Nobel Our Picks New Arrivals Best Selling Price Low To High Price High to Low Product Name A - Z Product Name Z - A Avg. Customer Review Popularity 26 Results for Dynamit Nobel Vintage advertising tin, Dynamit Nobel Aktiengesellschaft, starter pistol blank cartridges (empty) nice condition SpottedDog1 $ 18.00. Favorite Add to Passing over of all the factory buildings of Genschow & Co. Aktiengesellschaft (Limited Company) to the possession of the explosive and ammunition factory of Dynamit Nobel Aktiengesellschaft 1966/67: Consolidation of the brands GECO, Rottweil and RWS under the umbrella of Dynamit Nobel 1972: Relocation of Durlach to Stadeln 2002: Dieses Video ist ein für mich gedrehte Video ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit.Es ist ist kein Lehrvideo.Es ist ein reines Hobbyvideo, dass ich gedreht habe 510 2 _ ‎‡a Alfred Nobel & Co. ‏ 510 2 _ ‎‡a Chemicke závody Dynamit Nobel ‏ 510 2 _ ‎‡a Chemicke závody Juraja Dimitrova ‏ 510 2 _ ‎‡a Deutsch-Österreichisch-Ungarische Dynamit Aktiengesellschaft, vormals Alfred Nobel & Co. ‏ What is claimed is: 1. A piezoelectric fuze, especially for projectiles, comprising power source means, detonator means, threshold switch means having a threshold value, piezoelectric element means for converting the mechanical shock wave produced upon impingement of the fuze onto a target into an electrical output signal for at least aiding in overcoming the threshold value of the threshold With the takeover of the Chemicals division of Dynamit Nobel AG in 1988, Evonik acquired the transparent, amorphous polyamide TROGAMID® T. Dynamit Nobel launched this first polymer of dimethyl terephthalate and trimethylhexamethylene diamine on the market as early as 1968. Substitution of the aromatic components by aliphatic monomers led in 1991 to transparent polyamides with inherently Feldmühle AG took over the company in 1953, renaming it Südplastik und -keramik GmbH (SPK).

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Didier Werke AG Dornier GmbH. Dynamit Nobel AG K&S Aktiengesellschaft Linde AG Flurförderzeuge Turkey. Clariant (Türkiye) A.Ş Mondi Kalenobel Ltd. 47 sidor · 21 MB — Dynamit Nobel Aktiengesellschaft.

Dynamit Nobel - Dynamit Nobel - qaz.wiki

Patent number: 4271269 2010-07-13 This invention deals with case-less ammunition, the propelling element of which has increased solidity. This increase in solidity is achieved by virtue of the fact that the propelling charge is firmly A modified polyester composition comprising the condensation product of terephthalic acid or a polyester-forming derivative thereof and a diol, said polyester having an arithmetical mean molecular weight M n or more than 17,000, a carboxyl equivalent of at least 10 mVal/kg, a nitrogen content of less than 0.4 weight percent and urethane groups linked linearly to said polyester; a process for Assignee: Dynamit Nobel Aktiengesellschaft Inventors: Hans-Leo Hulsmann, Gustav Renckhoff, deceased Coating substances.

Dynamit Nobel Aktiengesellschaft. der Nitroglycerin-Aktiebolaget (Nitroglycerin Aktiengesellschaft), Stockholm, Nauckhoff, Sigurd, 1879-1954 (författare); Om Nobels extradynamit och dess  22 jan. 2012 — hade nära samarbete med Dynamit Aktiengesellschaft Alfred Nobel AB. På 60 talet hamnade varumärket helt under RWS/Dynamite Nobel,  Fritz Haber tilldelades 1918 Nobelpriset i kemi för metoden.