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Ashforth, B & Humphrey, R. - "Emotional labor in service roles

4 Dec 2019 The term “emotional labor” was first coined in 1983 by sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild to refer to jobs that require people to manage the  In this context, this study examined the effects of teachers' personality traits on their emotional exhaustion in a mediating model which centers around emotional   Examine the origins of the sociology of emotions through the work of Marx, Weber, and Simmel, and its development by T. David Kemper, Arlie Hochschild,  Workers must have the willingness to exercise emotional discretion, a form of emotion work, on the job (Gross, 1999a). Mastracci et al. (2004) describe emotion   Article. Page 2. Bergman Blix and Wettergren. 689 labour: 1.

The sociology of emotional labor

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AB - Arlie Russell Hochschild is Professor Emerita of Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley. (Schweingruber and Berns 2016) Emotional labor involves managing feelings and emotions to meet the demands of a job. (Hochschild 2012) (A. A. Grandey 2000) Jobs where emotional labor is needed are defined as those that: requires direct, visual or auditory contact with customers; requires the employee to induce an emotional state to another person 2018-02-06 · Drawing from the O*NET occupational database, we created an emotional labor measure that assessed the emotional labor requirements for 886 occupations.

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Dermott, E. and Pomati, Hochschild, A.R. (2000) 'Global care chains and emotional surplus value', in W. av J Larkka · 2014 — (Hochschild 2003:7.) 1 Begreppet emotion används ofta synonymt med känslor och affekt. intelligence with display rule perceptions and emotional labor.

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from a perspective of sociology of emotions, how employees within the health care  Drawing on theoretical and empirical contributions from sociology, history, control; and the performance of emotional labor within service occupations. the ways in which norms, values and emotions influence economic relations. to an understanding of emotions in general and emotional labor in particular. Anving, T. and Eldén, S. (2016) 'Precarious care labor: Contradictory for the sociology of family life, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Dermott, E. and Pomati, Hochschild, A.R. (2000) 'Global care chains and emotional surplus value', in W. av J Larkka · 2014 — (Hochschild 2003:7.) 1 Begreppet emotion används ofta synonymt med känslor och affekt. intelligence with display rule perceptions and emotional labor.

The sociology of emotional labor

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The sociology of emotional labor

Care = organisation + physical labor + emotional labour. Sociology of Health & illness, 14: 488–509. Google Scholar; Judge, 1992 Judge T. A. 1992. The dispositional perspective in human resource Emotional labor refers to the process by which workers are expected to manage their feelings in accordance with organizationally defined rules and guidelines.

Within the realms of organizational psychology and sociology, emotional labor refers to the idea of having to manage one’s emotions in a particular way as a part of one’s work requirements, for example when one’s job requirements include presenting with a positive or affable affect, cheerfulness, friendliness, or even stoicism in the face of frustrations. My 2013 So How's The Family and Other Essays is a sampler, you might say, of an applied sociology of emotion.
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Subjects: Social Sciences; Sociology; Samhällsvetenskap. Source: Södertörn Academic Source: Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. 24(2):136-155. from a perspective of sociology of emotions, how employees within the health Emotional labor; emotion work; interaction ritual theory; sociology of emotions  av E Stensson — 12KI Health changes in a changing labour market.

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The sociological literature on emotional labor can be roughly divided into two major streams of research. These include studies of interactive work and research directly focused on emotions and reviews theory and research on emotional labor with a particular focus on its contributions to sociological understandings of workers and jobs. The sociological literature on emotional labor can be roughly divided into two major streams of research. of emotional labor, in particular, has resonated with sociologists of work as well as researchers in management, psychology, communications, nursing and health, leisure and hospitality, and many other fields (Briner 2004). In this review, I survey theory and research on emotional labor, paying particular attention Review of Sociology Emotional labor refers to the process by which workers are expected to manage their feelings in accordance with organizationally defined rules and guidelines.

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Google Scholar; Judge, 1992 Judge T. A. 1992. The dispositional perspective in human resource Emotional labor refers to the process by which workers are expected to manage their feelings in accordance with organizationally defined rules and guidelines.

Emotional labor is a concept coined by sociologist Arlie Hochschild in her famous book, The Managed Heart (1983). 9 Jan 2019 is an American sociologist and professor Emerita at the University of California, Berkeley. Her work focuses on the role of human emotions in  It starts with a definition of what emotional labor or emotion work is.