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The figures below are given in billions of US dollars and are for the fiscal year 2018. Also listed are the headquarters location, net profit, number of employees worldwide and industry sector of each company. Find company information on Hoovers, the world's largest company directory. Search for a company, then refine results by location, revenue, etc. Over 11,000 Companies in Sweden covering Business Services, Chemicals, Minerals & Metallurgy, Construction & Real Estate, Automobiles & Motorcycles, and more. Company List Search Search Swedish companies, however, are not registered with a country code, so it is not possible to search for "Sweden" and generate a list of Swedish firms. Postal city.

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A limited company pays a corporate tax simply put to 26.3% of its profit before tax. offers you this presentation where you can discover all necessary information about how to establish a company in Swede This list of private companies and startups in Sweden provides data on their funding history, investment activities, and acquisition trends.

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