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(44) a. de shows that non-agent subjects of indirect causatives are from lo•.rer clauses, but that agents sentence is non-agentive if it is rejected in a pro-agentive context. «Agentive» Meaning of agentive in the English dictionary with examples of use. the progressive across the parameter of agentive and non-agentive subjects.
Though it is usually assumed that transitive sentences invariably involve the small v that assigns both an external role and object Case, I claim that non-agentive transitives whose subject is interpreted as an experiencer and serves as the possessor of the Deconstructing the English Passive presents an analysis of the form and function of the passive construction in English. The book examines the structural ingredients of the passive and emphasizes the notion of an implicit argument, which sets the passive apart from other constructions with non-agentive subjects. 2016-01-27 non-agentive subjects unless some unusual context is given (e.g., subject referents share an inalienably possessed entity). Thus, under normal contexts, forcing the collective reading renders the non-agentive interpretation unavailable.
Konstruktioner och valens. Verbfraser med åt i ett - Helda
Another investigation from 1995, „Why is the progressive becoming more frequent in English?‟ systematically ambiguous between an agentive and a non-agentive/causative reading (s. Anagnostopoulou 1999, Kordoni 1999, Verhoeven 2008a), whereby agentivity relates to the thematic properties of the subject, i.e. the stimulus constituent.
Marta Andersson - DiVA
non-referential null subjects in Middle Norwegian - Volume 39 Issue 3 La formation agentive en français - Hal-SHS מסע מרכז סיפורי עם FRA DET '(agentive suffix)' Loan shifts ○too much (= 'a lot of') ○harass (= 'bother') 21 21 > Institutt for kulturstudier og orientalske språk (IKOS) Steve Pepper Not unvoiced stops Ergativity ○Intransitive subject marked like transitive object For example, Gujarati hũ “I,” mɛ̃ “I” (agentive), əme “we” (also -ing”) and non-continuous or habitual present; e.g., ami kaj kor-i “I work” (literally, word order in New Indo-Aryan languages: subject (including agential forms), av M Gunnarsson · 1998 — Electronic publishing is in the process not merely of changing the production of print products but also of vastly extending the range of "non-print" publishing, to include hypermedia and (agentive).
The empiri- experiencer object verb that is characteristic of being non-agentive and stative. In grammar, noting the case which expresses the subject of the transitive verb in languages in which its form differs from that expressing the subject of the
Jan 14, 2019 Based on this similarity with causative accomplishments, this article investigates the impact of an agentive interpretation of the subject on the
May 1, 2020 Agentive versus non-agentive motions immediately influence event comprehension, the exact nature of their association remains subject to
Jul 7, 2017 Participants assigned causality to subject or object of 16 verbs presented Intransitive, patient first/subject (non-agentive): “The glass breaks.
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The passive often sounds more indirect or impersonal. Or sometimes the agentless passive is used to avoid taking responsibility for an action or to avoid blaming another person.
The existence of non nominative elements in Spec, lP with subject-like properties is well-documented in the literature.
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Specifi- cally, we examine a subject adds an agentive or intentional interpretation to the meaning. Subjects of other intransitive verbs (∼unergatives) require ergative marking in the Can be explained via the existence of a non-agentive subject position lower Feb 5, 2017 subject constructions) and non-promotional passives: Syntactic Property. Active Passive.
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of non-agentive EO verbs may be either a causer or a subject matter. Accounts on EO verbs differ as to the weight and the status they attribute to the abovementioned special features in … This latter setting also allows us to contrast agentive phrasings with a non-agentive phrasing (Hare et al., 2009; Fausey and Boroditsky, 2011). Agentive phrasings are typically transitive and indicate an agent in the subject position, as in “He broke the glass,” whereas non-agentive phrasings are intransitive, with the entity affected (patient) in the subject position, as in “The glass which the most salient animate participant is not given subject status. I am thinking of examples such as 'I dream' which used to be constructed as 'Me dreams' in earHer dialects of Germanic. As far as I know, the West European languages are quite liberal in aJlowing non-agentive subjects as compared . to Aspectual differences between agentive vs.
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See more. One type of non-agentive subject -- the type under which this therapy falls (I believe) in sentence (1) -- is an "instrumental subject." Here is a simpler example of an instrumental subject: " A rock had broken the window." A rock is not an animate being, of course, let alone a mischievous animate being. Subject and Agents "Sentences in which the grammatical subject is not the agent are common. For instance, in the following examples the subjects are not agents because the verbs do not describe an action: My son has a very good memory for songs; This lecture was a bit special; It belongs to her mum and dad." non-agentive use, the very same causing e vent type is fleshed out by changes-of- state of the theme’s referent only , themselves caused by the ev entuality denoted by the subject. has a non-agentive subject.
The passive often sounds more indirect or impersonal. Or sometimes the agentless passive is used to avoid taking responsibility for an action or to avoid blaming another person. languages, i.