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Use, Liberia's online directory to find businesses, jobs, cars for sale/rent, events, restaurants, contractors & more. It's easy to CBS Library - CBS Bibliotek, Frederiksberg, Frederiksberg, Denmark. 1,599 likes · 6 talking about this · 6,040 were here. We provide information services to students and staff at CBS 1 In the Gray Zone With police in making space for creativity Mia Rosa Koss Hartmann Supervisor: Daniel Hjorth PhD School in Language, Law, Information, Sebastian Fux The PhD School of Economics and Management PhD Series 09.2014 PhD Series 09.2014 Essays on Return Predictability and Term Structure Modelling copenhagen business school ISSN 0906-6934 Print ISBN: 978-87-93155-10-7 Online ISBN: and Management Studies978-87-93155-11-4 Doctoral School of Organisation Ph.d. Serie 05.2014 Processuel strategi i organisationer Monografi om dobbeltheden i tænkning af strategi, dels som vidensfelt i organisationsteori, dels som kunstnerisk Cases bruges meget på CBS. Både som egentlige cases i selve undervisningen men også som kilder i skriftlige opgaver. I denne guide kan du finde information om hvordan du finder cases på CBS Bibliotek.

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