European Parliament on Twitter: "Take a look back at this
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Brussels, 9. Mar 2018, 17:50. 'Selmayrgate' - the swift and controversial appointment of the new secretary general of the European Commission - will be a key topic next Monday (12 March), as the row moves from the EU bubble in the Berlaymont building to the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Commissioner Guenther Oettinger, who is in charge of the The European Parliament on Thursday canceled the physical meetup of its lawmakers, set to go ahead in the French city of Strasbourg next week. Instead, the session will be held via video conference. In 1992, the Member States of the European Union stipulated that the European Parliament would hold twelve plenary sessions each year in Strasbourg, on the symbolic border between France and Germany.
Instead, the session will be held via video conference. The European Parliament in Strasbourg welcomes every year the MEPs during 12 plenary sessions. At these times, Strasbourgis in a frenzy and it becomes difficult to find accommodation! It is possible for private individuals to visit the European Parliament when it is in session and without appointment necessary. Socialist group leader in the European Parliament Iratxe Garcia has added her voice to those calling for next week’s plenary in Strasbourg to be scrapped. She joins other members who fear that having hundreds of MEPs, staff and others converge on the city could pose a serious health risk and lead to the coronavirus spreading far and wide.
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Freedom Flotilla II will leave during the third week of June, with ships departing will head to Strasbourg for meetings with European Parliament members to sessions – 12 week-long par either at a plenary sitting, if the European Parliament is in session; Sammanträdesperioden i Strasbourg den 1317 mars Att hålla parlamentets sammanträdesperioder i Strasbourg kostar mer än 200 miljoner EnglishFor me, too, this is the last week in which I will be allowed to chair the Parliament ('plenary sessions') take place in Strasbourg and in Brussels. Eksjo, Lindesberg, Amal, Saffle, Solleftea, Lycksele, Gallivare, Sigtuna, Tidaholm, Paris, Marseille Voilà, här har ni patentomröstningen i bilder (en bild säger mer än tusen ord, eller hur?) Hälsningar från Strasbourg! Plenary Sesion Week I Music Week – Storbritanniens, och för all del engelskspråkiga världens, Soon it is time for the important vote on copyright reform in the European Parliament. Antonio TAJANI - EP President presides over the plenary session - Week 50 2017 in Strasbourg - Key debate Council and Commission Voilà, här har ni patentomröstningen i bilder (en bild säger mer än tusen ord, eller hur?) Hälsningar från Strasbourg!
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According to this Parliament’s estimate of the cost of non-Europe, we’re missing out on over a trillion euros a year. So, with respect to the EU’s original promise and its future: this is what it’s all about. Here, too, I have something to ask of you. MEPs convene in Strasbourg for one week every month and in Brussels for the remainder.
As MEPs prepare for the European Parliament's first plenary session in Strasbourg since back in February, question marks surround next week's trip to France, after the French government designated the city a coronavirus "red zone".
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in the red zone In normal times, the parliament's lawmakers convene in Strasbourg for one week every month and in the Belgian city of Brussels for the remainder. The monthly upheaval costs the bloc 114 million euros ($124 million) a year, EU auditors say. Socialist group leader in the European Parliament Iratxe Garcia has added her voice to those calling for next week’s plenary in Strasbourg to be scrapped.
It’s a controversial move that costs tens of millions of euros every year, wastes time and resources, and is increasingly recognised as environmentally unfriendly. BRUSSELS (AP) — European lawmakers won’t be returning to the French city of Strasbourg for next week’s plenary session because of the COVID-19 resurgence in France, the European Parliament president said Thursday.
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Publicity . Read more " The decision adopted on Tuesday by the French authorities to classify the entire Bas-Rhin department . in the red zone In normal times, the parliament's lawmakers convene in Strasbourg for one week every month and in the Belgian city of Brussels for the remainder. The monthly upheaval costs the bloc 114 million euros ($124 million) a year, EU auditors say.
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Stay on av A Hellström · Citerat av 42 — national news reporting one week before, and one week after election-day. June delivered at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, Prodi states that:. Lifelong Learning Week in Slovenia 2013: Award Winners at the National Opening and Education, is a tireless fighter for adult education in the European Parliament. of the report with an overwhelming majority among MEPs in Strasbourg. en session d'une semaine à Strasbourg.
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The European Parliament's plenary session, initially scheduled to take place next week in Strasbourg has been cancelled and will be held remotely, as the health risk is increasingly high, EP President David Sassoli announced on Thursday morning. BRUSSELS (Reuters) - As members of the European Parliament gathered in Strasbourg this week, a German politician claimed he had found a treaty loophole that could put a stop to the monthly caravan Monday, 8 February 2021 - Thursday, 11 February 2021Brussels. Monday, 8 February 2021 HTML.
To begin with… Strasbourg shares the title of European capital with Brussels. 21 Nov 2017 The leadership of AmCham EU's European Parliament Outreach Task Force attended the European Parliament's Plenary session in Strasbourg 30 Apr 2019 If the plenary no longer met in Strasbourg, the parliament alone could been custom for MEPs not to meet on a Friday during Strasbourg week.