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Un periodista español lo ha definido así:» Es un tratado incoloro, inodoro e insípido». journalist (also: reporter ) journalist translations: periodista, periodista. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary. periodista [ masculine-feminine, singular ] reportero/era [ masculine-feminine, singular ] a journalist from the Washington Post un periodista del Washington Post (Translation of journalist from the GLOBAL English-Spanish Dictionary © 2020 K Dictionaries Ltd) How to say journalist in Spanish - Translation of journalist to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica.

Journalist in spanish

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Find more words! journalist. n periodista mf , reportero (-a) m/f (LAm) Translation English - Spanish Collins Dictionary. See also: broadcast journalist, print journalist, National Union of Journalists, journalistic. Collaborative Dictionary English-Spanish. well, this journalist fellow. exp.

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bueno, el tal periodista. A Spanish journalist defined it as a colourless, odourless and tasteless treaty. Un periodista español lo ha definido así:» Es un tratado incoloro, inodoro e insípido». journalist (also: reporter) volume_up.

JOURNALIST - Translation in Swedish -

Indonesian etc. 2 mars 2015 — During the presentation, fragments of Lorca's poems will be read outloud. Soon, more information here. With the collaboration of the Spanish  Swedish Svenska · Spanish Swedish Dictionary / Spanish Swedish Dictionary / Spanska Svenska Ordbok Diccionario Español Sueco Spanska Svenska Ordbok​  21 jan. 2013 — "There is a responsibility that goes with being a journalist," Ms. will a Finnish reader really want to know the Spanish commissioner's answer  20 nov. 2014 — Alfombra Roja is open every day for journalist consultations about the Spanish market and the relationship between the Spanish and Nordic  22 nov.

Journalist in spanish

n periodista mf , reportero (-a) m/f (LAm) Translation English - Spanish Collins Dictionary. See also: broadcast journalist, print journalist, National Union of Journalists, journalistic. Collaborative Dictionary English-Spanish.
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Journalist in spanish

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Learn how to say journalism in Spanish with audio of a native Spanish speaker. journalistic - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions.
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Mexikansk journalist skjutit ihjäl utanför sitt​  för 13 timmar sedan — Johanna Lindqvist, journalist.

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Spanish Translation of “journalist” | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. How to say journalism in Spanish - Translation of journalism to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica.

Translations in context of "journalist colleague" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: A Spanish journalist colleague dared to say during halftime that the game seemed more like a practice, but with public. Free information in Spanish The great majority of Spanish-language media outlets in the U.S. are distributed for free and are funded by advertising. Among the 123 people who answered the question about whether their publication is sold or distributed for free, more than 85% said that it was distributed for free. The remaining 15% said prices range Spanish word for journalism, including example sentences in both English and Spanish.