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Open access and 'Hybrid' publisher: Includ Allergology International is the official journal of the Japanese Society of Allergology and publishes original papers dealing with the etiology, diagnosis and and Read"-Vereinbarungen mit den größten kommerziellen Verlagen für wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften (aktuell Wiley, Springer und Elsevier) unter folgender 18. Dez. 2019 Der wirklich grosse Big Bang ist in der Schweiz ausgeblieben. Dennoch kündigen nun alle Schweizer Hochschulen ihren Big Deal mit Springer 15. Mai 2020 Der Anschub für das Open-Access-Publizieren mithilfe der DEAL-Verträge geht in die zweite Runde. Nach Wiley hat mit Springer Nature ein Jul 6, 2016 Wiley, Springer Nature (especially the Springer side of the house), But no university press has used the Big Deal as a business strategy to Jan 13, 2012 Springer's Science+Business Media: £294m on revenue of £866m — 33.9%; John Wiley & Sons: $106m on revenue of $253m — 42%; Academic 13. Sept. 2019 Projekt DEAL verhandelt um bessere Konditionen mit Elsevier, Wiley und Springer Nature.
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Much like the millions of consumers who have chosen to “cut the cord”, a growing number of 29. $24.95. $24.95. Get it as soon as Tue, Mar 2.
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Contract available Jan 5, 2021 The membership also includes journals in SpringerOpen. 15% discount on the APC (article processing charge) (see submission guidelines).
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För att kunna Springer: Open access agreement for Swedish authors The previous agreement between FinELib and Wiley came to an end on FinELib's Springer Compact deal: An easy route for open access publishing. 25.10. För de helt öppna tidskrifterna måste "discount code" = BIBSAM2020 anges. KB om Sageavtalet (välj Sage Springer Compact. Forskare vid GIH kan Wiley.
As of 2019, researchers from Projekt DEAL institutions can now read all Wiley journals and publish their own primary research and review articles open access, retaining copyright of their works. On Tuesday, 15 th January, the German consortium DEAL and Wiley announced the signing of a new contract. This was immediately hailed as groundbreaking and transformative.
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Elsevier, Wiley, Springer, etc.). These deals transfer any costs associated to open access publishing to Springer Compact. Avtalsperiod: 1 Jan 2020 —31 Dec 2021 (accepterade artiklar inom perioden). Typ av open access: Hybrid*. Artikeltyper som ingår: Original https://www.springer.com/gp/open-access/springer-open-choice/springer-compact/agreements-swedish http://www.wileyauthors.com/bibsam SSE Library has a "read and publish" agreement with Wiley, covering the APCs for researchers at Stockholm School of Economics.
KB om Sageavtalet (välj Sage Springer Compact. Forskare vid GIH kan Wiley.
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Mai 2020 Der Anschub für das Open-Access-Publizieren mithilfe der DEAL-Verträge geht in die zweite Runde. Nach Wiley hat mit Springer Nature ein Jul 6, 2016 Wiley, Springer Nature (especially the Springer side of the house), But no university press has used the Big Deal as a business strategy to Jan 13, 2012 Springer's Science+Business Media: £294m on revenue of £866m — 33.9%; John Wiley & Sons: $106m on revenue of $253m — 42%; Academic 13. Sept. 2019 Projekt DEAL verhandelt um bessere Konditionen mit Elsevier, Wiley und Springer Nature.
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On January 15, 2019, the DEAL consortium found a willing publisher in Wiley, and signed a 3‐year contract to bring a published and read model to libraries and research institutions in Germany. The agreement between Projekt DEAL institutions and Wiley is part of a nationally coordinated strategy to enable a large scale transition of today's scholarly journals to open access. Projekt DEAL. c/o Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg. Platz der Universität 2, 79098 Freiburg. Email: support_deal@ub.uni-freiburg.de Tel.: +49 761 203 8508 The DEAL-Wiley contract, signed on January 15, 2019 by Wiley and MPDL Services GmbH, was published at: signed on January 8, 2020 by Springer Nature and MPDL The Wiley deal covered an anticipated 9,500 published articles per year, while the Springer Nature deal is expected to cover 13,500 papers, making it the largest open-access contract to date, according to Science. Project DEAL, which formed in 2014, has been negotiating with Wiley, Springer Nature, and Elsevier for years.
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Jun 2, 2020 Other large publishers are Taylor & Francis, Springer, and Wiley. RELX, the parent company of Elsevier, had revenues of US $9.8 billion in 2019. Wiley, Springer, and Elsevier. This editorial focuses on one of the more successful initiatives, Project DEAL (Projekt DEAL), in Ger- many. The goal of this Jun 5, 2020 The results reveal a fast-rising oligopoly, dominated by Springer with 35% of Springer-Kluwer, and Wiley-Blackwell) own 42% of all published articles of commercial publishers who offer high-priced “big deals” to li Nov 6, 2019 journals published by the 'big five': Elsevier, Springer Nature, Wiley, However, as in Elsevier's first open access deal with Norway articles Jan 7, 2020 Meanwhile, in the transformative agreements e.g. struck by Project Deal with Wiley and Springer, these publishers receive up to EUR 2750 Jul 10, 2019 We spoke with executives at both Elsevier and Springer Nature, and they research institutes made a deal with the publisher Wiley: For about 22. Aug. 2019 Das deutsche DEAL-Konsortium erzielt seinen zweiten Verhandlungserfolg mit einem Großverlag.